Linda Lyon stars in Diet as Ethel performing LIVE at the Beacon Arts Centre Studio
Linda Lyon is delighted to join the cast as Ethel in Diet, and is having a blast rehearsing with the best of company.
“With a musical element and a real #Glaswegian feel, #Diet is a story about real people for real people.”
TICKETS & DATES: https://www.beaconartscentre.co.uk/events/diet
“Five overweight souls find comfort and solace attending their local diet class.
Although none of them are particularly interested in losing weight, they all manage to keep up the pretence, much to the dismay of class leader Moira, who herself carries around a very embarrassing secret.
This highly relatable comedy uncovers their hidden sweetie stashes and fast-food flyer drawers as they constantly attempt to justify to the very edgy Moira their collective failure at the weekly weigh-in.