Molly Jennings
Playing age: 17-25
Height: 5'3
Nationalities: British, Irish
Appearance: White
Eye colour: Blue
Actors biography:
Molly Jennings is a working class actor from Derby, currently based in London. She has recently graduated from Rose Bruford College in which she had the opportunity to study at Syracuse University, New York. Molly is highly skilled in musical theatre, stage combat and accent work.
Molly is both producer and improviser at In Stitches Theatre Company, having co-founded the company in 2022. In Stitches Theatre Company are an emerging comedy improv troupe based in South East London, that specialise in short form comedy improv. They do 60-90 performances and individual sketches will last between 5-15 minutes. Plus, it will all be influenced by what every audience loves, PROMPTS! Expect wacky accents, questionable characters and of course a barrel of laughs.
“Starting this theatre company has given me so much joy throughout my final year at drama school and post grad life. I love being both producer/improviser as I get to see what exciting opportunities there are for young and emerging artists and getting to perform at different venues each time.”
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Name: Victoria Steven - Talent Agent